Come ready to relax, get sculpted, and treat yourself to some self-love.
Come ready to relax,
get sculpted, and treat yourself to self-love.
Serving Riverside County Area
The information on this website, including articles authored by healthcare professionals, is for general information purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and is not intended to be relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment. If you are experiencing an emergency, immediately contact 911 or a medical provider. Consistent with Just Breathe Mind & Body’s website privacy policy, Just Breathe Mind & Body is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content found at links to other websites.
Copyright © 2023 Just Breathe Mind & Body
NOTE: All new clients MUST fill out all the necessary intake forms prior to any treatments at Just Breathe Mind & Body. PLEASE ALLOW AN ADDITIONAL 15-20 MINUTES TO YOUR SESSION TO DISCUSS THE RECOMMENDED TREATMENT OPTIONS TO BETTER SERVE YOUR SPECIFIC NEEDS.